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Agfa Apotar 1:4,5/8,5cm f�r M42 | Vintage lensAgfa Apotar 1:4,5/8,5cm f�r M42 | Vintage lens
EUR 59.0
Category : Objektive
Seller : vintageglas(5321, 100.0%)
AGFA SOLINETTE II mit Agfa Apotar 1:3.5 / 50 und Prontor-SVAGFA SOLINETTE II mit Agfa Apotar 1:3.5 / 50 und Prontor-SV
EUR 19.0
Category : Analogkameras
Seller : reinbsche-0(84, 100.0%)
AGFA ISOLETTE III Apotar Prontor-SV  4.5/85 85mmAGFA ISOLETTE III Apotar Prontor-SV 4.5/85 85mm
EUR 50.0
Category : Klappkameras
Seller : sraxxs(315, 100.0%)
AGFA Flexilette Spiegelreflex Kamera Lens Agfa Color Apotar 1:2.8/45mm VINTAGEAGFA Flexilette Spiegelreflex Kamera Lens Agfa Color Apotar 1:2.8/45mm VINTAGE
EUR 50.0
Category : Spiegelreflexkameras
Seller : mcay-onlinehandel(1378, 99.8%)
Agfa Color-Apotar, 1:2,8/45mm, für M39 | Vintage lensAgfa Color-Apotar, 1:2,8/45mm, für M39 | Vintage lens
EUR 69.0
Category : Objektive
Seller : vintageglas(5327, 100.0%)
Agfa Jsolette 6x6 + Agfa Apotar 85mm F4.5 + CaseAgfa Jsolette 6x6 + Agfa Apotar 85mm F4.5 + Case
EUR 39.0
Category : Analogkameras
Seller : camerafoxx(31068, 99.6%)
Agfa Isolette II - APOTAR 4.5 / 85mmAgfa Isolette II - APOTAR 4.5 / 85mm
EUR 32.34
Category : Klappkameras
Seller : gumg-electronics-antiquitaeten(192, 100.0%)
Agfa Color-Apotar, 1:2,8/42mm, für M39 | Vintage lensAgfa Color-Apotar, 1:2,8/42mm, für M39 | Vintage lens
EUR 69.0
Category : Objektive
Seller : vintageglas(5321, 100.0%)
Agfa Solinette SV - APOTAR 3.5/50mm - Sonnenblende- Gelbfilter+Sixon+Taschen,Agfa Solinette SV - APOTAR 3.5/50mm - Sonnenblende- Gelbfilter+Sixon+Taschen,
EUR 19.9
Category : Analogkameras
Seller : amateurin(2257, 100.0%)
Agfa Solinette II + Agfa Apotar 1:3.5 / 50mm + Prontor Sv READ DESCRIPTIONAgfa Solinette II + Agfa Apotar 1:3.5 / 50mm + Prontor Sv READ DESCRIPTION
EUR 25.0
Category : Cámaras plegables
Seller : 1001fotos(4226, 100.0%)
Agfa isolette III  export, Ansco speedex 4,5 special,  isolette III apotar SVAgfa isolette III export, Ansco speedex 4,5 special, isolette III apotar SV
EUR 79.0
Category : Klappkameras
Seller : hilka(416, 100.0%)
Agfa Isolette L mit Color Apotar 4,5/85 mmAgfa Isolette L mit Color Apotar 4,5/85 mm
EUR 29.9
Category : Analogkameras
Seller : prinzessinalexa(30057, 99.9%)
AGFA Colorflex mit Color-Apotar 50mm f/2,8 - SNr: JD7253AGFA Colorflex mit Color-Apotar 50mm f/2,8 - SNr: JD7253
EUR 29.0
Category : Spiegelreflexkameras
Seller : foto-koeberl-graz(52894, 99.8%)
Agfa Apotar, 1:3,5/50mm, für M39 | Vintage lensAgfa Apotar, 1:3,5/50mm, für M39 | Vintage lens
EUR 89.0
Category : Objektive
Seller : vintageglas(5327, 100.0%)
Agfa Isolette II with Apotar 85mm 4.5 & Pronto shutter Case, Flash & Guide BooksAgfa Isolette II with Apotar 85mm 4.5 & Pronto shutter Case, Flash & Guide Books
GBP 30.0
Category : Film Cameras
Seller : helga1767(1686, 100.0%)
AGFA Optima 500 Color Apotar - SNr: 4410AGFA Optima 500 Color Apotar - SNr: 4410
EUR 19.0
Category : Sucherkameras
Seller : foto-koeberl-graz(52832, 99.8%)
Ancien appareil photo AGFA Color-Apotar Optima 200 Sensor dans son étui Ancien appareil photo AGFA Color-Apotar Optima 200 Sensor dans son étui
EUR 15.0
Category : Appareils photo argentiques
Seller : myrtille88140(1169, 100.0%)
Agfa Colorflex I+ Apotar 1:2.8/50mm + Prontor ReflexAgfa Colorflex I+ Apotar 1:2.8/50mm + Prontor Reflex
EUR 120.0
Category : Cámaras 35 mm
Seller : 1001fotos(4226, 100.0%)
Agfa Isolette II  - f4.5 Apotar - Serviced  & NEW RED Bellows !Agfa Isolette II - f4.5 Apotar - Serviced & NEW RED Bellows !
USD 185.81
Category : Folding Cameras
Seller : certo6(8280, 100.0%)
#S0216 - Agfa Siltte Apotar 3,5-45#S0216 - Agfa Siltte Apotar 3,5-45
EUR 20.0
Category : Analogkameras
Seller : dotadel(3882, 99.5%)